Construction Monitoring

Nationwide Drones provides customised construction monitoring services tailored for diverse sectors, including housing developers and offshore wind turbine contractors. We prioritise timely data collection and availability to facilitate informed decision-making and ensure that our clients stay ahead in their projects.

Our construction teams utilise cutting-edge drone and scanning technology to capture reliable, high-quality data on your site. This advanced technology allows us to perform detailed aerial surveys, 3D mapping, and real-time monitoring, ensuring that every aspect of your construction site is meticulously documented. The high-resolution imagery and precise data we gather are crucial for tracking progress, identifying potential issues, and ensuring compliance with safety and regulatory standards.

One of the key benefits of our services is the accessibility of the data. Our platform is designed for ease of use, making the collected data available whenever and wherever you need it. Whether you are on-site or in the office, you can access up-to-date information with just a few clicks. This level of accessibility ensures that you are always informed and able to make decisions based on the most current data available.

Additionally, our platform is equipped with live streaming capabilities, enabling project managers overseeing multiple sites or remote locations to stream live site information directly to stakeholders. This feature eliminates the need for stakeholders to leave their offices to visit construction sites, saving time and resources. It also allows for real-time collaboration and swift decision-making, as stakeholders can view live updates, ask questions, and provide feedback instantaneously.

For housing developers, our services can streamline project management by providing detailed progress reports, visual updates, and comprehensive site assessments. For offshore wind turbine contractors, our drones can safely and efficiently monitor turbine construction, providing vital data on installation progress and environmental conditions.

Nationwide Drones is committed to enhancing the construction monitoring process through innovative technology and exceptional service. By providing accurate, accessible, and actionable data, we can help you achieve your construction goals efficiently and effectively. Let us be your partner in transforming the way you monitor your construction projects.


  • Volumetric analysis
    • Cut & fill
    • Stock pile
  • Construction monitoring
  • Quality assurance
  • Site mapping & modelling
  • Live streaming & Time-lapse
  • Topographical surveys

Give us a call to find out what service will work for you.

Contact the Nationwide Drones Team

    Owen Jenkins
    Managing Director
    Connect on LinkedIn

    Danny Mckeown
    Operations Director
    Connect on LinkedIn